Amazingly, the rain held off and is only just now starting (2:30). I went to the tennis "Stroke Clinic" where we worked on serves and overheads. I got a lot out of it and even though my serve isn't powerful, at least now it is more consistent.
Afterward I took the dog for a walk/run on our neighborhood trail. I managed to run much further and longer than I thought. I forgot to time it, but maybe 20 minutes running and then 10 walking. But the 10 walking included the final "buns of steel" part of the trail that is quite steep back up to the road. Seriously steep. Like it needs a rope tow steep. Even the dog is tired now.
I saw the chiropractor...who is fabulous by the way. Dr. Tilley works with the VT football and other sports teams and he lives near me. He's just great and since I have chronic neck/upper back issues, I really depend on him. He cautioned me with my weight training to be very careful with anything breaking the plane of my shoulders. I also vow to be more faithful to my stretching.
So the changes in my eating and exercise habits are reflecting another change. After much soul-searching and stress, I have decided to bump my "career" lower down the priority list. I had so many irons in the fire for next year, but I've decided to stick with my 50% teaching job, I have the potential to get funding to develop a new senior-level course on sustainable energy that would cover another 30% and get me to benefits level, but I will not go above 80%. Nor will I go to a 12 month appointment. I'm not even sure if I'll continue on with my summer REU project. I am now admitting to the world that I will no longer strive to be super-academic woman, playing the game full out. I will allow myself to dabble in it, fear not the job insecurity, and just not worry about it. I will make more time for my family, and for me. I will covet time to get exercise, and I will honor myself by nourishing my body and giving myself the best body possible.
Oh, on a related note. I bought a multivitamin and calcium supplement from the Chiropractor. Whoa, Nellie. NOT cheap. Not at all. I'm embarrassed to write what it cost. But then I realized I spend $100 for a bucket of supplement for the horse that lasts maybe three months. Funny what we'll spend on pets and not on ourselves!
So, no more exercise for me today. I took a couple of funny steps on the trail and don't want to push my luck. Now it's about keeping the food intake where it needs to be.
Tomorrow's plan? Either a walk/run or cardio at the gym. Kids have tennis at 4, weather permitting, so I could hit on the wall then, or go for a run. We'll see.
To bed early. No nighttime munchies!!
Stay strong, girls!! Let me know how you are doing!