Monday, May 12, 2008

Back to the 'burg

All I can say is that I am looking forward to getting back to "normal" tomorrow. Today was an OK food day, but not where I want to be. The kids talked me into a late departure. I made a quick trip to Kohl's (my fav) and to Borders to get a tennis book my mom had just gotten that I liked to. We also had time to get in some tennis with Grandma, with Boompa as the ball-boy! It put everyone in a good humor for the uneventful 5-1/2 hour drive that was fueled largely by diet Pepsi.

Tomorrow I have a lesson at 9:15 followed by the doubles clinic that kind of intimidates me, but I thought I'd try it. I need to get to the gym for my weight training, but that just may slide to Wednesday. While the kids play tennis tomorrow my plan is to do what I did last week - jog then practice serves. I get with J the trainer this weekend and hoping we can get that into a routine until my next travel time in late June.

S said she is sliding a bit too. It's go more excuses for either of us. She asked where my weight is and I don't want to even peek for a few days now.

Glad to be home. We loaded the new "Fritz" chess program and it's fabulous. The kids are so motivated to up their chess game, and me, my fitness game.