Monday, July 11, 2011

Tackling the Power Clean and Push Press

Kurt introduced me to the power clean and push press a few weeks ago. It requires explosive strength and coordination...not my strongest suits. It's a useful compound movement involving lots of muscle groups and core strength.

Explosive power is useful for a triathlete - think climbs and surges. My first attempts at the power clean and push press were pretty sketchy. I do like a challenge though (translation: I don't like being bad at something!) so today I took some video to try to figure this out.

There's still not enough trap involvement and it's coming too far in front of my face on the press part. I remember being told to tuck my chin. I could drop lower too. It will take practice-practice-practice and not overthinking it. (I remind myself of Gumby in this)

I believe this is what it's supposed to look like (I'm not sure why the guy is in khaki shorts with a belt....but anyway)

It was a solid back/shoulder workout. I left the gym a sweaty mess, which is a pretty good indicator :-)
  • Kettlebell Swings (3 x 30 x 35 lbs)
  • Barbell power clean and push press (45 - 65 lbs)
  • Wide grip pullups (8, 7, 6)
  • Hammer Strength shoulder press (20 - 35 lb/side)
  • Seated T-bar row (45-55 lbs/side)
  • Seated cable rear delts (60 lbs)
  • Supinated grip pulldown (90 - 120 lbs)
  • Triset of Dumbbell Lateral raise / Front Raise / Row 

JUST RELEASED: Kurt has a series of nutrition and meal planning videos on the Muscle and Strength website -- check it out  Very cool!!