Wednesday, May 25, 2011

Leg Workout

Now that I'm writing 2/3 of my own gym workouts I have no one to blame but myself when they end up being a bit much. I should have adjusted this morning's leg workout knowing I did a back and shoulder workout with Kurt just last night (single arm clean + press, close grip pulldown with PR @ 140 lbs, pronated grip cable row, cable rope rear delts, DB lateral raises with triple drop, oblique leg raises, superset of upright row and bent over row). Plus I swam and ran yesterday morning. Yup, he warned me that my training plan was a bit "ambitious" this week.

This morning's 36-set leg workout took me 90+ minutes. I admit, a bit of extra talking might have been an issue :-)

Squats with medicine ball vertical wall toss: 3 sets x 15 reps @ 12 lb MB
Sumo deadlifts: 20 @ 90 lbs, 15 @ 135 lbs, 10 @ 165 lbs, 8 @ 185 lbs, 5 @ 205 lbs, 5 @ 225 lbs, 12 @ 185 lbs
Bear Squat
Bear Squats: 20 @ 110 lbs, 20 @ 140 lbs, 20 @ 170 lbs, 12/12/12 @ 190, 140, 90 lbs (double drop)
Jacknives with hands on Bosu, feet on stability ball: 3 sets x 20 reps
Bicycles on Bosu: 3 sets x 20
Lunges: 4 sets x 40 steps @ 50 lb barbell
Leg Extension: 15 @ 85 lbs, 15 @ 90 lbs, 15 @ 95 lbs
Leg Curl: 15 @ 55 lbs, 15 @ 60 lbs, 15 @ 65 lbs
Single leg stiff legged deadlifts (see Joob's demo - 2nd video on this post) - 3 sets x 10 reps per leg @ 20 lb DBs
Hyperextensions - 3 sets x 15 reps.

I forgot my belt, which I usually use for deadlifts over about 195, but I did fine at 225 without so I may just start using it at or over 225. (It was the pink argyle knee socks that made the difference.) I haven't pushed deadlifts in a while and although I am getting the urge, I will wait until after my June races.

The single-legged SLDLs show me how much work the stabilizers in my lower legs need. Good thing I don't get embarrassed easily because I am pretty much the opposite of graceful and balanced doing these.

I am now officially...TOAST. Time to refuel before this afternoon's (easy) bike ride.