Wednesday, December 10, 2008


Work and life have taken on a volume, intensity, and urgency that I am not accustomed to coping with for such an extended period of time. I am so tired of saying "if I can just make it through this week" because the next one ends up being just the same if not more of a struggle. For instance, today, I ate ALL of my meals IN my car. I ate my oatmeal with berries this morning, then a peanut butter sandwich and apples, and a snack of pretzels, then dinner was a hastily made scrambled egg and cheese burrito in a tomato pesto wrap. All homemade and pretty healthy, but the car???

My running and gym time, although another demand on my time, are KEY to being able to deal. It gives me a structure, an opportunity to feel successful and positive, and the mental side of running has given me a different perspective on life's challenges. As with running, when things are tough, I remind myself that it will get better. The road will flatten or head downhill, the rain will stop, and my energy will be replenished. I'm still heading up that long grade but I'm sticking with it...relaxed and steady. Eventually I'll crest the hill and conditions will improve.

The gym has been a lot of fun lately, partly I guess because I don't have races disrupting things. I do think I am gaining strength and endurance. We are doing some high reps (28-36 on some things) and new exercises - particularly some non-machine things that appeal to the lifting purist in me :-)

I am taking the next two days off (except for a tennis lesson) and then Saturday I plan to do my longest run yet - something approaching marathon distance - to provide a baseline for the next few months. I am excited and of course, nervous because the unknown always makes me nervous. The next two days I need to focus on sleep and carbs. I'd better go work on the first of those two goals now!