On my drive back from Pennsylvania to Virginia on Monday, I listened to an episode with Craig Curley, a 24-year-old runner and member of the Navajo Nation, who won the Columbus Marathon in October in 2:19:01. Something about this young runner really struck me - his perspective, values, work ethic, maturity, and clarity. He has a refreshing naivety from growing up in a very small and extremely rural community in the Navajo Nation, yet he is in many ways a wise old soul. The episode is well worth a listen.
He talked about the Columbus race, and I loved this excerpt:
“I went into that race without being scared. I was like, I know how it feels, I know how it feels to train for a marathon…there’s a specific pain for a marathon, and I got used to it, and I remember that feeling. I trained every day. I practiced with that feeling of pain.”I also believe in becoming acquainted with a certain amount of pain in training (in the appropriate types of runs, etc) and that we make a choice each time we race, whether we do so with fear or with courage. I will definitely be following the career of Craig Curley and look forward to hearing more from him.
I hope Bob and Paul crank out enough podcasts to keep me going through the next 10 weeks or so of long runs!! Keep 'em coming!