Friday, May 6, 2011

Family Race Weekend

We are nearly packed and ready to go to Smith Mountain Lake for our weekend stay in the waterfront cabin at the State Park. This is the amount of "stuff" that is apparently necessary to feed, hydrate, clothe, and entertain four people for...ohhhh....roughly 40 hours. Not shown: kids bikes and a few other things that went in hubby's truck.

Oh did I mention I had a race?

Not much resting and relaxing leading up to it trying to get us all packed and food made for all of our meals. On the other hand, the distraction is good.  The first race of the season is always a little unnerving, not knowing quite whatcha got and how the training will manifest when it counts.

Regardless of how it works out I have some homemade chicken salad, croissants, fruit salad, a cold Rolling Rock beer, a chair by the lake, and the family waiting for me afterward. 

Off we go!!!!