I've been really enjoying my prescribed recovery walking. Just like with training, I am making the time and scheduling it in, and truly appreciating it. Trixie has become my very faithful companion, particularly as we have moved from walking in town and on the paved Huckleberry Trail to walking the trails of Pandapas Pond and the Jefferson National Forest. It's so beautiful there as it offers up a variety of landscapes plus lots of places for Trixie to grab a drink and for both of us to splash in Poverty Creek.
Trixie, it turns out, is amazing on these walks. At intersections she has learned to understand "left" and "right" and she comes to my side whenever other people/dogs/mountain bikers approach. I am really glad for her company and great behavior.
My walks have become much hillier on the mountains to the point where I called the doctor's office yesterday to check if my allowable "walking" permitted trails and hills? Dr. Davidson's partner relayed that as long as I could tolerate it, it would actually be good for me. (I hope he knows who he is dealing with.) I've climbed about 5000 feet over the last three walks, and I've walked almost 50 miles since I was cleared to walk April 9. I am pretty sure I feel fine....but I sometimes doubt my ability to know.
With all that climbing, I've noticed zero problems with my quads or toes. It's such a treat to have blood and oxygen circulating freely in my left leg!! It's been nice to get my heart rate up on these sustained climbs, but without running or pounding to bother my abdominal healing -- to allow the "glue to set."
I've used this time to explore trails on the other side of the creek that I don't normally run. Which, given my famous lack of navigation and directional skills, prompted this text on Sunday:
Scenes from Trixie and I in the Jefferson National Forest:
This is what my bike looks like from disuse. Spiderwebs have begun to form. But you know what? I'm OK with it and have settled into this time having disembarked from the crazy train of intense training rand racing. I don't mind the mental let-up and slower pace.
My friend Liz Baugher recently sent me this piece by Kelly Williamson - "Positives from Setbacks". In it, she shares her enjoyment of walking and positive approach to healing. Hopefully she doesn't think I'm some creepy stalker, but it's just really uncanny to read her reflections that so closely resemble mine. The last line is what really struck me, "Life would be pretty boring without any scars to show."
So while it's all good, I will admit I've started thinking about my race season from July forward and even made some hotel reservations for a few races (all cancel-able). But I'm still taking it one day at a time right now and being happy where I am. I go back to see Dr. Davidson in a week.
So while it's all good, I will admit I've started thinking about my race season from July forward and even made some hotel reservations for a few races (all cancel-able). But I'm still taking it one day at a time right now and being happy where I am. I go back to see Dr. Davidson in a week.