Grandmasters winner Trish and Masters winner
(photo by Trish's running superstar daughter Mikayla)
Subtitle: Taking an unhappy stomach for a ten mile run
I'd been running pretty well and feeling fit for this time of year so I was ready. I woke up Saturday with a very noisy, sloshy, burpy, upset stomach, but with a 1 pm race start figured it would have time to settle. I popped an Imodium and wasn't too worried about it.
The early clouds of the day cleared to about the most perfect sunny warm winter day you could ask for, a dramatic improvement over the bitter cold temperatures of the prior Saturday, the day the race was originally scheduled.
I felt pretty relaxed at the start where my foot pod apparently helped itself to pairing with friends Jordan's and Heather's Garmins! At the sound of the airhorn we were off and I hit my first two miles on pace (just under 7:30) and at that point just went by effort. I appreciated and heard all the cheers and encouragement along the way; I am just not so good at responding during a race! I constantly reminded myself to stay relaxed and seek a state of flow - working hard but smooth without unconsciously braking or holding back.
The Huckleberry Trail is under construction and there was a sizable section of mud and gravel we passed through on the way out and back that I did not enjoy, but other than that the path was good with wet spots, but no ice aside from what lined the sides of the path in some of the shady sections.
At the turnaround at mile seven I could see a number of women behind me, including Trish and Marcia who are both strong runners. I'd taken a gel at mile 5 and my stomach was not happy but thankfully it was not much of a distraction. I knew I had to keep pressing forward or risk being passed. I went on the wrong side of the construction fence at the 460 underpass and had to backtrack, losing some time but not feeling particularly upset about it. Classic "racer brain" move - not thinking!!
In the last mile my calves began to cramp which is unusual for me. I saw I had enough of a lead that I could back off some and hold my position. The last little climb to the finish is tough but I kept my eyes on the runners ahead and just soldiered up behind them.
The final hill, heads-down, just get the job done.
photo by Kristen Chang
photo by Kristen Chang
After passing through the finish I thought I might really get sick. I could hardly look at the post-race food. I ate two orange slices, drank some water, and my friend and swimming lane-mate Janet gave me crystallized ginger to help.
Janet :-)
Post-race I met fellow racer John (#1390) who said he worked hard the last few miles to keep up with me, and it was then that I realized how interconnected the "train" of runners becomes out there! We are focused on keeping up with the runners ahead, and those behind are focused on keeping up with us. I had never really thought about that unspoken force that keeps each of us going!
I finished in 1:16:56 - my slowest time by quite a bit - but I can say I gave it all I had (results).
My giant appetite sometimes drives me crazy but I will be glad to have at least some of it back.
Always an adventure, this racing stuff!