Friday, February 3, 2012

Gym Play with Grant and One-Arm Rocky Style Pull-ups

This afternoon Grant and I went to the gym for some playtime and quality time together. The last two days have been very rough and chaotic and this proved to be the absolute highlight, turning things around and clearing my busy brain. Grant is a great gym partner - he's focused on a quality workout, energetic, and happy! I did back and biceps and he hit all the major body parts and even hit the track.


Narrow Grip Lat Pulldowns

In the midst of our playing we talked about one arm pullups and on a whim I tried one. To my great surprise, I managed three sets of 3, 2, and 2 reps. They are actually not all that hard because you can use both biceps. I think now that I am over the surprise that I can even do them I think I could get more. How cool would it be to do a TRUE one-arm pullup??