Saturday, August 2, 2014
Race Report: Draper Mile
The Draper Mile is a local race that finishes in the midst of our big annual community event, Steppin' Out. It's the best part of a 5K (the first mile) without the pesky 2.1 miles that follow. It's nearly all downhill, and it's reported to allow for mile times about 10-12 seconds faster than a track mile. I was hoping to come in under 6, and I was happy to run a 5:43.61. I was the 13th female, and second in my age group behind the speedy Alice Coddington who had five seconds on me. The winning time this year was 4:10.41. WOW! 2014 Results
Here's the elevation profile from my Garmin:
The Draper Mile has been run since 1982. The record for my age group is 5:31.
The race is actually a "race" and a "run." The first heat is the faster race and I did that one. We finish and get to cheer on those in the "run". This pic caught me at the finish, waiting to do just that, and Coach Jim is across from me waiting to cheer on his kids!
That was really fun, and like a ride at an amusement park, I wanted to go back up and ride it again. I should have, considering I registered twice. I chalk the double registration up to "mom brain." I vaguely remember signing up when I was shoe-shopping for my kid a while back, but I re-signed up this week. Oops. Momnesia. Yeppp.