Friday, June 19, 2009

Training starts Monday

Well, I got my first set of training plans from Jim (  WOW.  I appreciate the detailed and I think fairly aggressive approach.  The bike rides are of a good duration (1-1.5 hrs) and the swims ramp up nicely. 

The good thing is all the past training plans from Jake have prepared me well for that inevitable feeling of "oh crap, how in the world am I going to do all that?" I recognize that if I looked at the plans and went "oh yeah, that's easy" there'd be no point. There's an incredible sense of accomplishment simply meeting the training schedule and that confidence inevitably carries over to the race. 

In fact, yesterday Grant and I had an interesting conversation. He wanted to know what the easiest job was thinking he might like to do whatever that is.  I had to explain how easy and fun/rewarding are mutually exclusive and fun comes from the challenges we face.

One compromise, we are cutting back my gym time to 3x/week for the next 9 weeks.  I had to let go of our sacred Sunday morning sessions which have been the one constant all year.  It's just temporary.

Lots of new adventures ahead.  I want to push hard but train smart for the next nine weeks and just see what I can do.  I'm picturing myself at the finish of that triathlon - smiling and triumphant!

First swim meet

One of my goals this year was to support the Blacksburg Country Club Barracudas swim team by swimming in the meets.  Both adults and kids swim in the summer league.  On the one hand, I think it's great for kids to see adults engaging in physical activity rather than just sitting on the sidelines.  On the other hand, I don't think adult placings should be equally weighted with kids.  It's something like 20 points for first on down.  So Grant comes in 12/17 and earns just a few points for the team.  I come in 3rd/3 and earn 17 points for the team.

I decided the morning of that I'd do the meet and fortunately had a chance to practice diving in with goggles.  I swam my 50 free in 33.87 (give or take!).  It was a total rush and I had more left in the engine for next time.  Need to commit to the flip turn next time too.

It was a great meet and nice opportunity to catch up with old friends that I only seem to see at these events. The kids are always so inspirational, especially the ones who work so hard just to make it to the other end of the pool.  They are brave children, every one of them!

Sunday, June 14, 2009

Time to start logging again

I pretty much stopped recording my workouts with my injury, but now that a new chapter is about to start, it's time to resume so here is the fresh new Workout Log.

Still loving the bike. Logged 33 miles yesterday starting with the 8 am Weight Club ride that was just me, Robert, and Andy. We rode a conservative loop out Glade to Mt Zion to McCoy and back, then I rode it again, pushing harder. I had to make a detour at mile 26 for a haircut appointment and thankfully Robert brought my wallet to me to pay!

Still having saddle issues but I'll give it a little more time and see what happens before I look at options.

Feeling good about the cycling and even the running, swimming is another story. Fortunately I have time to gain confidence there.

Tuesday, June 9, 2009

Balancing act

It'll be an interesting summer trying to juggle and balance but I will just do the best I can do and try like heck to listen to my body to prevent overuse injuries. My shoulders have been tweaky and I am wondering now if it's because my handlebars are, I think, a bit off where they should be. I had a great almost 20 miler yesterday on the bike but bagged the swim. I have minor shoulder issues from lifting in the past and they can be problematic.

Jake put together my new workout split -- as I told him, my goals are a moving target. It's not easy keeping up with me. The above table is the guideline; if I can get two bike rides and two good swims in a week, I will be happy. Of course the running doesn't kick in immediately, nor does tennis.

Monday, June 8, 2009

Swimming homework from Jim

And why does he refer to my "desire to kick" I wonder LOL!!!

Swim thoughts:

  • Chest pressed into the water!
  • Head down, but not looking back at all. Rotation is all on the long axis through the top of your head and out your bottom.
  • No crossing mid line with your stroke.
  • Slow stroke down!

  • 1 arm swimming…other arm stays out front.
  • Catch up drill…one arm at a time, other waits.
  • Swim golf…50 time in seconds + total number of strokes. 90 is probably your base, 80 when you pay attention…now get it down into the low 70’s consistently!
  • Kicking on your back (didn’t do this one but it’s good for you and your desire to kick). Laying on back, hands over head…biceps touching ears, breath normally, flutter kick all the way down the lane…short, quick, fluttery kicking.

Workout format:
  • 5+/- min. warmup (mixed stroke ideally)
  • 10 minutes of drills
  • 10-15 minutes of other swimming (intervals, playing with swim golf, continuous swim, etc.)
  • 5+/- min. cooldown

Saturday, June 6, 2009


I had to archive this great quote from the day. Saturday is my scheduled day off but I had/have an interest in joining a beginner bike ride in the morning and perhaps swimming in the afternoon. Swimming runs the risk of interfering with a shoulder workout on Sunday. The trainer is pretty adamant that I have a rest day.

I said, "Rest is important, yes, but isn't it OK sometimes to sacrifice performance to feed the soul."

To which he replied "No because the soul is greedy and if it were up to you, you would eat chocolate for every meal. Sometimes you've got to use your head."


So what will I do? Still conflicted and the ride leaves at 8 am.

Friday, June 5, 2009

Pull ups

Got 10 wide grip pull ups the other day; 12 today. Gaining strength! A year ago I couldn't do a single one.

Of course my energy or drive or something feels a little low lately. Not sure what that is all about??

Got a bike!

Here's my new bike that I got yesterday! It's a gently used 2008 Jamis Ventura, that I had to name "Ace" (as in Ace Ventura Pet Detective with Jim Carey). I was unexpectedly completely sprung from the boot yesterday so was able to take the bike on a 30 minute spin through the Tom's Creek basin area. It was a good test because it was pretty hilly. I'm only very slightly sore in the quads today.

With all systems seemingly a-go, I signed up for that Lake Norman triathlon August 23. I do think it will be a fun summer goal and should keep me out of trouble (somewhat).

The weather has kept me from the pool for a few days and I'm anxious to get back in and try what I learned in a swim consultation with Jim McGehee, a triathlon and endurance coach.

Things at the gym are going pretty well and I'm so glad I was able to continue training there throughout this recovery. I made some definitely gains over the last two months that I hope will enhance my running and other activities.

In two weeks I'll be clear to start running again. The leg still feels "off" so I hope by then not to even notice it anymore.

Wednesday, June 3, 2009

Back in the blogosphere!

Haven't blogged in ages - just keeping my head above water while the leg has been incarcerated. Tomorrow I have my biweekly orthoped appointment and the plan is SUPPOSED to be a weaning from the boot which means I have begun allowing myself to start planning, dreaming, and plotting.

I'd like to take all the credit for the latest crazy idea, but once again, I have Jake to blame in large part. TRIATHLON. The reason being I have to take it easy on running and work up over time and I had already planned on swimming, so add in a little bike ride, and there ya go.

I am looking at a sprint triathlon at Lake Norman in Charlotte -750m swim, 17 mile bike, 5k run. I'm excited about the prospect of an open water swim. Cycling and multisport races are really big in this area. The only holdup (well, besides the leg) is a lack of a bike. I've been looking locally and found one on Craig's list I'll be seeing tomorrow. I had a bit of sticker shock, even with the used bikes. One local store's road bikes START at $1300 and the guy could not understand why I would absolutely, flat-out REFUSE to pay that! Needless to say, I am looking to go used. Who knows, I may try this out this summer and then decide it's not for me.

I see the triathlon training as a summer focus, but after August, I'm all over marathon training again, probably for the Richmond Marathon on November 14. That is major unfinished business for me.

I do realize this is just a little bit crazy, but what the heck. Could be fun :-) Stay tuned!!