This was one LONG day with class at 11, 12:30, 2:00 and 3:30, then cello for Spencer, worked while Grant enjoyed some food from ABP, home, then out for two hours of grocery shopping with students in preparation for tomorrow's camping trip. I am exhausted, but a pretty fun day in a lot of ways.
After feeling somewhat optimistic about being race-ready by May 3, tonight I am feeling less so. Despite two days of crutches/cane I'm not feeling like things are improving the way I would expect (or hope). Now I am concerned that the longer I am off of it the greater the chance for other things to go wrong with other parts. I need to stretch and keep everything else moving as much as possible. I'm going stir crazy and just dying to run a little tiny bit and see how it feels. Just a little. I almost just don't care.
JRP talked to the PT guy, in part to keep me honest and also because I know I may be hearing things through a *slightly* optimistic filter. I am looking for hints that all will be well in time. Today PT guy asked about my expected marathon times which I took to mean that he is feeling like I'll make it!
On the other hand, PT guy also said that if all goes well, I will only do some short runs and at most a 5 or 6 miler to prove my mettle before the big M. Yikes.
I'm looking forward to getting back to a normal running and lifting schedule.