Sunday, August 30, 2015
I'm READY for Chicago!
Just over two weeks left till I head out with races September 17 and 19, but I'm ready...with the look at least! I'm not saying I will wear these all together...not saying I won't. But I thought I needed to add a few pieces to the official Team USA wardrobe.
I passed on the full patriotic bodysuit but I am betting/hoping someone from the Team will wear it in the parade. Hint, hint.
Unlike with most of the bigger races I have done, I am feeling more excited than nervous for the ITU Grand Final Age Group Worlds. I've been training and racing consistently and decently all year, and the body feels good. Recent tough workouts turned my questions into answers, and with each, my belief grows.
The control-ables are under control and the rest I can't worry about.
I'm not there yet. There are two more weeks of training ahead. But I've been building this fire all year, and can't wait to light that match!