Saturday, April 16, 2011

Much-needed rest and a Nice Surprise

I'm taking TWO full days off this weekend, yes TWO. No apologies, no guilt!  I had a great training week and am feeling pretty pumped.  In the last six days I hit:
  • three bikes -  trainer ride, hill repeats, and a 36 miler with transition run
  • three runs - speed work, aerobic run, transition run
  • three swims - a long continuous, two intervals
  • three weight training sessions

And on top of this, I had one kid sick at the beginning of the week, one kid sick at the end of the week (this one required a trip to the docs), 36 hours without a car, and a husband out of town for two days.   I'm sleeping like crap too, mostly thanks to allergies. Such is the life of the tri-mom-athlete.

After I got back from my ride/run yesterday I found the USA Triathlon mag in my mailbox, and inside a nice surprise!  It was the 2010 ranking edition. Out of curiosity I had checked the rankings in the fall and I was way WAY down the list so I never expected to see my name.  It was the VERY last one in the F40-44 group but there it was, the last person to make the cutoff for the "Honorable Mention" category.  It made me think about the joke about "what do you call the person who graduates last in his/her med school class?"  Answer: "Doctor".  Hey it took 225 people to beat me...hahaha.

Seriously, can you think of too many other circumstances when a number is carried to the hundred thousandth decimal place?  How do they determine the cutoff? If I had been delayed by one extra sip of Gatorade and scored 84.58530 would I have made the cut?  Kinda silly.

#226 and proud of it!!

Eh, it's old news and this isn't what drives me. It's a new year, new me, new competition, new challenges.  Bring it!!!